Product / Platform Engineer. JavaScript C# Serverless. Developer Advocate. Currently @Virtusa. Long-term Hubber.
These articles, blikies, or whatever, their content, and opinions are my own, aggregated from my developer journal notes.
Originally, intended to be just a Dropbox folder with all the presentations, talks, and seminars from the past.
Attempts of fiction writing around the plots I’ve always fantasized. This is how it all should have happened.
Feel free to ask me anything on GitHub. If you have something quick and easy, just ping me on Twitter.
Personal dotfiles and bash scripts for setting up fresh install of macOS.
Quick-starter templates and its prerequisites for use of development containers with VS Code and GitHub Codespaces.
Demo code of the RESThooks Messaging Architecture for a Cocktails ordering backend.
Minimalistic sample projects to kick start Gherkin style E2E tests written in Screenplay pattern with Cucumber.js for BDD.
Library of helper functions and boilerplate code written with native javascript and browser APIs.
Microsoft Bot Builder for Node.js examples using TypeScript
Bot that interacts as your bullet journal for JIRA worklogs.
This is sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly, a Jekyll remote theme used in this site amongst other personal sites.
Responsive Jekyll theme for books and creative writing that emphasizes content rather than aesthetic fluff.
Unofficial quick start templates, plugins, and extensions for Docsify.js