
Product / Platform Engineer. JavaScript C# Serverless. Developer Advocate. Currently @Virtusa. Long-term Hubber.


Explore some of my speaker decks of sporadic tech talks over the past few years. Originally, intended to be just a Dropbox folder with all the presentations, talks, and seminars from the past.

Running Azure Serverless

February 2020

A brief walkthru on how I select Azure Services, especially for a Serverless Backend, based on a hypothetical Cocktail Bar.

Mobile App Release Engineering

November 2017

A few tips and tricks about how I shape the offshore teams, what release engineering strategy to use, and how Dark launching and Feature toggling are implemented to overcome some of the challenges when developing cross-platform mobile apps.

Presented at Mobile Era Conference in Oslo, Norway.

Design Sprint in 2 Days

June 2017

With the hype of entrepreneurship and tech startups, a workshop was designed for fresh grads and startups with a limited audience to have a taste of Google's Design Sprints combined with Eric Ries's Lean Startup.

Presented at UX Hero Workshop (June Edition) by HEX in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


November 2016

A brief walkthru on InnerSource based on surveys done by Open Source Initiative and InnerSource Commons, to convince enterprises to adopt lessons learned from open source engineering practices and apply them to the way enterprise products are being engineered internally.

Refactoring Smelly Code

May 2016

Originally, this was intended to be a series of blogposts demoing smelly code and refactoring patterns that can be improved to reduce the number of WTFs in the code. Later became a tech talk with hands-on demos before presented at developer forums in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Presented at Google I/O Extended in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Lean UX for Women Techmakers

March 2015

Originally intended to be a design to deploy workshop sharing tips and tricks to practice lean user experience and design thinking based on various startups and design-driven projects within big companies. Later invited to do somewhat similar for Google developer community.

Presented at GBG Women Techmakers in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

X-platform Mobile Apps

January 2015

Intended to be a workshop on x-platform mobile app engineering with a couple of hands-on demos building an Ionic app called Selfystic for state universities and later extent to corporate tech forums, and meetups in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Presented at Compello DevDays Workshop in Oslo, Norway.

For more talks, visit my speakerdeck page.